A somber and splendid city, in its stone, its marble, its hidden spaces, bold and all-encompassing, or deftly stolen. The city manifests itself through a light that clarifies and declares a harmony that amazes, that reaches you furtively and then regards you with a sideways glance.It shows us an arch, with its proud and tenacious stone; it shows us a wall, evidencing a clear expression of mastery.Time intensifies the monument, an enconscious monument steeped in grace.The form, under the weight of the present, seems sometimes lost until sublimated into another, only apparently weakened: gathered earth, brick, stone and marble, watching for the sign that enlivens the future.Rome, powerful and melancholic to the eyes that contemplate it; as soon as it changes, she assails us with her full smile.
Camilla Borghese